Pokemon Go May 5 Spotlight Hour: Everything You Need to Know

Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 6:41 am

Get ready to earn bonus Stardust for a limited time!

Trainers, the first Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour event in May is set to take place on May 5 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time.

During this one-hour event, Shellder will appear more frequently in the wild, and you’ll receive twice the normal amount of Stardust each time you capture a Pokemon (even if it isn’t Shellder).

Shellder is a Water-type Pokemon from the first generation of the Pokemon universe, and it can be evolved only once. Specifically, you can evolve Shellder into Cloyster using 50 Shellder Candy.

If you want to make the most of this event, we recommend activating a Star Piece on your account so that you’ll earn even more Stardust for a limited time (a Star Piece allows you to earn 50 percent more Stardust when completing in-game actions for 30 minutes).

A Pokemon Spotlight Hour event is scheduled to take place each Tuesday throughout the month of May. Future events will feature Sunkern, Poochyena, and Bronzor, along with a variety of in-game bonuses. For more information about this month’s events, check out our previous coverage.

Are you going to play during tonight’s Pokemon Spotlight Hour event? Let us know in the comments, or tweet us at @superparenthq.

Brandy Berthelson

Brandy Berthelson has been writing about video games and technology since 2006, with her work appearing on sites including AOL Games, Digital Spy, and Adweek. When she’s not gaming, Brandy enjoys crafting, baking, and traveling with her husband.

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