Pokemon Go February 2021 Events: Valentine’s Day, 1 PokeCoin Bundles, and More

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 2:58 pm

Everything you need to know.

February is almost here, and with a new month comes lots of new and exciting events to look forward to in Pokemon Go!

Here are some of the events and updates happening next month.

February Research Breakthrough

From February 1 at 1 p.m. PT until March 1 at 1 p.m. PT, you’ll earn an encounter with Snorlax each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough. As a reminder, you’ll earn a Research Breakthrough encounter each time you complete at least one Field Research task on seven separate days (this doesn’t have to be seven days in a row).

Legendary and Mega Raids

A variety of Legendary and Mega-evolved Pokemon will be featured in Raids throughout February. Here’s the calendar.

  • Raikou – From January 31 at 10 a.m. local time until February 4 at 10 a.m. local time
  • Suicune – From February 4 at 10 a.m. local time until February 9 at 10 a.m. local time
  • Latias and Latios – From February 9 at 10 a.m. local time until February 20 at 9 a.m. local time
  • Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo – From February 20 at 9 a.m. local time until March 1 at 8 a.m. local time
  • Mega Vanusaur, Mega Ampharos, and Mega Houndoom – From January 19 until February 9 at 10 a.m. local time
  • Mega Pidgeot, Mega Ampharos, and an unannounced Mega-evolved Pokemon – From February 9 at 10 a.m. until February 20 at 9 a.m. local time
  • Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Blastoise – From February 20 until March 1

A Raid Hour event will also take place each Wednesday in February from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time. During these events, more Tier-5 Raids than normal will be available, featuring the Legendary Pokemon that are appearing in Tier-5 Raids at the time.

Spotlight Hours

There are four Tuesdays in February, and each one will feature a different Spotlight Hour event. These events will take place from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time.

  • February 2 – Ekans will appear more frequently than normal in the wild, and you’ll receive two times the normal number of experience points when evolving Pokemon
  • February 9 – Miltank will be the featured Pokemon, and you’ll receive two times the normal amount of Stardust when catching Pokemon
  • February 16 – Luvdisc will be in the spotlight, and you’ll receive two times the normal number of experience points for catching Pokemon
  • February 23 – Pikachu will be the featured pocket monster, and you’ll receive two times the normal amount of Pokemon Candy when catching Pokemon

Team Go Rocket Celebration

A new event focusing on Team Go Rocket will take place from February 2 at 10 a.m. local time until February 7 at 10 a.m. local time. During this time, players will be able to encounter Shadow Pokemon that haven’t been seen before. Learn more about this event in our coverage.

Lunar New Year Event

Pokemon Go will celebrate the Lunar New Year with a Lunar New Year event taking place from February 9 until February 14. This event will feature red Pokemon, as well as an unannounced Mega-evolved Pokemon that will appear in Mega Raids. We’ll make sure to bring you more details about this event as they’re revealed.

Valentine’s Day Event

The game’s yearly Valentine’s Day event will run from February 14 at 1 p.m. local time until February 18 at 8 p.m. local time. While many details about this event are still under wraps, in a news post, Niantic, the developer of Pokemon Go, said the event will feature “some Pokémon making their Pokémon GO debut as well as exclusive avatar items.” We’ll bring you more details about the 2021 Valentine’s Day event as we learn more.

1 PokeCoin Bundles

Each week in February, trainers will be able to purchase a bundle of helpful items in the store for a single PokeCoin. Each 1 PokeCoin bundle will only be available for one week, and there’s a limit of one bundle per player. Here are all of the goodies we can pick up in February.

  • February 1 – 20 Poke Balls, 1 Remote Raid Pass, and 1 Rocket Rader
  • February 8 – 8 Incense, 16 Razz Berries, and 10 Pinap Berries
  • February 15 – 20 Poke Balls, 1 Remote Raid Pass, 10 Great Balls, and 5 Ultra Balls
  • February 22 – 20 Poke Balls, 1 Remote Raid Pass, 5 Incense

Quality of Life Improvements

In addition to these limited-time events, a variety of quality of life changes will be made to Pokemon Go in February 2021. To start, Niantic said players will soon be able to see “an image gallery showing off the PokéStop and Gym images that you and other Trainers have submitted.”

This particular feature will roll out first to Level 40+ players in New Zealand on February 9. It will be released for all trainers around the world who have reached at least Level 38 near the end of March.

Next, Pokemon Go will be updated with a “level-up social share feature” that will allow players to share that they’ve leveled up without taking a screenshot on their device.

Finally, players will soon be able to transfer Legendary and Mythical Pokemon in groups alongside any normal Pokemon they want to transfer at the same time. That is, they will no longer have to transfer these special Pokemon one at a time.

Are you excited about these events and updates that are coming to Pokemon Go? Let us know on Twitter at @superparenthq.

Brandy Berthelson

Brandy Berthelson has been writing about video games and technology since 2006, with her work appearing on sites including AOL Games, Digital Spy, and Adweek. When she’s not gaming, Brandy enjoys crafting, baking, and traveling with her husband.

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