Pokemon Go Community Day Vote Results for September and October

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 7:27 am

And the winner is...

On August 22, trainers around the world had the chance to vote for the Pokemon they most wanted to see featured in a future Pokemon Go Community Day event.

Players could choose from four Pokemon: Caterpie, Porygon, Grimer, and Charmander. Before the vote, we knew that the Pokemon that received the most votes would be the star of September’s Community Day event, while the pocket monster that came in second would be featured in October. Now that the poll has closed, which Pokemon came out on top?

Porygon received the most votes in the community poll, so it will be the featured Pokemon during September’s Pokemon Go Community Day event, which will be held on September 20.

When you evolve Porygon2 into Porygon-Z during September’s event, it will learn the exclusive battle move Tri Attack.

Next, Charmander took second place in the poll, so it will be the featured Pokemon in October’s Community Day event on October 17.

When Charmeleon is evolved into Charizard during this event, it will learn the move Dragon Breath.

Other details about these events (such as any extra bonuses related to things like Lure Modules and Incense) haven’t been revealed just yet. Keep checking back with SuperParent, as we’ll make sure to let you know when this information is announced.

This isn’t the first time players have been able to vote for the Pokemon they wanted to see featured in a Community Day event. For instance, earlier this year, players selected Weedle to star in June’s event, while Gastly was the featured Pokemon in July.

Brandy Berthelson

Brandy Berthelson has been writing about video games and technology since 2006, with her work appearing on sites including AOL Games, Digital Spy, and Adweek. When she’s not gaming, Brandy enjoys crafting, baking, and traveling with her husband.

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